Radiative shock test
This test problem demonstrates the correct coupled solution of the hydrodynamics and radiation moment equations for a subcritical radiative shock. The steady-state solution in the nonequilibrium radiation diffusion approximation is given by a set of coupled ODEs that can be solved to arbitrary precision following the method of (Lowrie & Edwards, 2008)1.
The dimensionless shock parameters (Lowrie & Edwards, 2008)1 are:
Following (Skinner et al., 2019)2, we scale to dimensional values assuming
and obtain the following pre-shock and post-shock states:
We adopt a reduced speed of light (as used in (Skinner et al., 2019)2)
Since the solution is given assuming radiation diffusion, we set the Eddington factor (as used in the Riemann solver for the radiation moment equations) to a constant value of \(1/3\) everywhere.
We use the RK2 integrator with a CFL number of 0.2 and a mesh of 256 equally-spaced zones. After 3 shock crossing times, we obtain a solution for the radiation temperature and matter temperature that agrees to better than 0.5% (in relative L1 norm) with the steady-state ODE solution to the radiation hydrodynamics equations:
The radiation temperature is shown in the black solid and dashed lines, with the dashed line showing the semi-analytic solution. The material temperature is shown in the red lines, with the semi-analytic solution shown with the dashed line.
Lowrie, R. B., & Edwards, J. D. (2008). [Radiative shock solutions with grey nonequilibrium diffusion]{.nocase}. Shock Waves, 18(2), 129--143. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00193-008-0143-0 ↩↩
Skinner, M. A., Dolence, J. C., Burrows, A., Radice, D., & Vartanyan, D. (2019). [FORNAX: A Flexible Code for Multiphysics Astrophysical Simulations]{.nocase}. 241(1), 7. https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4365/ab007f ↩↩